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Re: [geomesa-users] ingesting and exposing polygon data, is this supported?

So I added in logging and if I set the schema as following:




And then in the code I take a string of point pairs in the example format of:


POLYGON((-120 45, -120 50, -125 50, -125 45, -120 45))


(so I used the polygon from the test class you referenced)


And then I printed out the attribute value of fooPoly and it is set as the string above.

And I printed out the value of fooDate which was of format similar to:

Mon Jul 04 06:30:27 GMT 2016 when I printed it out.


But when I try to insert the feature I get stack trace on 1.2.3 that looks similar to the following:



  at org.locationtech.geomesa.utils.geohas.GeohashUtils$.getInternationalDateLineSafeGeometry(GeohashUtils.scala:766)

 at org.locationtech.geomesa.utils.geohash.GeohashUtils$.decomposeGeometry(GeohashUtils.scala:790)

 at org.locationtech.geomesa.accumulo.index.STIndexEncoder.encode(STIndexEntry.scala:50)



Also I had set the following things previously for my feature:


SimpleFeatureType.getUserData().put(Constants.SF_PROPERTY_START_TIME, “fooDate”);


feature.getUserData().put(Hints.USE_PROVIDED_FID, true);


feature.getUserData().put(Hints.PROVIDED_FID, “uuidFieldValue”);



If I changed it back to the schema inserting a Point field, i.e.:




And then in the code I take a lon and lat and generate a point


POINT(-120 45)


Then it inserts fine.


Any idea what may be causing that exception?





From: geomesa-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:geomesa-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Emilio Lahr-Vivaz
Sent: Friday, July 01, 2016 3:17 PM
To: geomesa-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [geomesa-users] ingesting and exposing polygon data, is this supported?


Hi Diane,

What behavior are you observing?

What you're doing should work fine, and we have lots of unit tests that use polygon shapes. They're written in scala, but for example:

(in this test the binding is a generic geometry - you should stick with Polygon if that is your shape)

One way to check that the geometry is being set correctly is to print out the attribute from the simple feature after setting it. Usually geotools will convert it to the correct type, and if it can't do so the attribute will be null, e.g.

SimpleFeature feature =;

I also find this website useful for checking WKT syntax:



On 07/01/2016 02:58 PM, Diane Griffith wrote:

I am trying to debug if I ingested polygon data correctly.  I’d like to ingest a polygon and expose it via geomesa/geoserver. 


Is there a trick to this as I am not sure it actually created the indexes expected. 


I was going to have the regular point data and then have a separate data set that had the associated polygons to turn them on and off.


I defined a field of *polygonField:Polygon:srid=4326 in the schema.  I then created  a polygon via geotools out of arrays of points to insert with the feature data.


(i.e. one way I tried was using the following classes:


WKTReader reader = new WKTReader(geometryFactory);

String coordinates=”///arrays of  point values///”

StrinBuffer polyStringBuffer=new StringBuffer(“POLYGON((“).append(coordinates).append(“))”);


Polygon polygon = (Polygon);


featureBuilder.set(polyFieldName, polygon);




I had tried a coorindates array as well and using LinearRing and then using that to create the Polygon.


Did I need to mess with any underlying indexes or am I out of luck of ingesting them in via geomesa and exposing them through geoserver.  So in this case I don’t put in the associated point with the polygon, is that a potential problem area?  If there is a good example to better understand how to do something similar I’d love to review it. 




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