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Re: [geomesa-users] Overview of technical features needed

Hi Kurt,

Most our of features are documented on

Yes, GeoMesa works with OGC's Simple Feature model that GeoTools implements.  GeoServer can use OGC Style Layer Descriptors (SLDs) to style data stored in GeoMesa.  I'm unfamiliar with the details of ISO 19107; I'd suggest reading through

For our Spark support, the usual connection parameters and a CQL filter would define a subset of the features stored in a GeoMesa layer.  At that point, what you want to do with a collection of Simple Features is up to you!  In terms of any computation geometry one may wish to do on the JVM, we leverage JTS, and I'd recommend it. 

If you have a PostgreSQL server, I'd suggest installing PostGIS and trying it out.  From there, you can use GeoTools to create and access DataStores and FeatureStores which are backed by PostGIS.  If you work at that level, upgrading/switching from PostGIS to GeoMesa would require configuration changes in that you would change the connection parameters given to the DataStoreFinder.  (The code changes are simple; deploying a cloud with a Hadoop stack can be challenging.)

Thanks again for the questions!


On 01/22/2015 04:25 AM, Kurt Junghanns wrote:

Hi guys,


Jim, thank you for your response and your wish!


OK, here are more questions:

So there not exists a complete feature list?

My last question more aim at „Could I use OGC Style Layer Descriptor, OGC General Feature Model and ISO 19107 Geometry within GeoMesa? Since GeoMesa comes with GeoTools.“.

Next, with Spark I can use CQL. What else could I use in Spark for spatial computation? JTS?

Again GeoTools. It has a built in JDBC for PostgreSQL. I really want to use it. Is that possible?


Please excuse me if some questions are not well considered. But at the moment I am overwhelmed by all the amazing stuff out there.

For example I don’t know if datatypes from GeoTools and JTS are interchangeable.




Yours sincerely,

Kurt Junghanns

Agricon GmbH


Von: geomesa-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:geomesa-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] Im Auftrag von Jim Hughes
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 21. Januar 2015 20:05
An: geomesa-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Betreff: Re: [geomesa-users] Overview of technical features needed


Hi Kurt,

I'll respond briefly; please feel free to ask more questions.

GeoMesa uses Accumulo ( as the underlying database layer.  By rough analogy, GeoMesa is to Accumulo as PostGIS is to PostgreSQL.

GeoMesa does not currently support MapServer.  Rather, there is support for GeoServer (

In terms of features, I don't have a short, concise list handy.  In terms of a typical geo-spatial, temporal database, GeoMesa supports the OGC Common Query Language by working GeoServer's ECQL.  In more traditional senses, (E)CQL is roughly equivalent to the 'Where' clause from a SQL query.  For example, we may want to search for the data where a geometry is in a bounding box and the time is within a given range. 

Additionally, GeoMesa supports finding the 'k' nearest neighbors via a WPS process.  There are a number of other processes which can help aggregate data from across the tablet servers.  Lastly, GeoMesa has some support for Map/Reduce and Spark computation. 

Thanks, and good luck with your thesis!


On 01/21/2015 04:45 AM, Kurt Junghanns wrote:

Dear GeoMesa team,


Currently I write my master thesis in informatik. The title is „Untersuchung und Optimierung verteilter Geografischer Informationssysteme zur Verarbeitung Agrartechnischer Kennzahlen“.

There I make a comparison of frameworks for spatial data processing. For that I am interested in an overview of the technical features which GeoMesa provides.

I am particularly intersted in:

·         Interfaces to common databases like PostgreSQL

·         Existing or possible interface for UMN MapServer

·         Amount of useable features of GeoTools in GeoMesa


Some information could be found on the official websites, but I am searching for a reliable source for my thesis.




Yours sincerely,

Kurt Junghanns

Agricon GmbH

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