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[geomesa-users] how to debug something not using z3 index

So what might make the query planner show queries are using z2 index vs z3 for requests that have:


Time, bbox, and additional cql


all sent via the CQL_FILTER parameter of a WMS request?


The schema shows it has a time field and the catalog shows it did create a z3 table.  Other attributes are not marked as indexed in the schema to account for not using the z3 index.


We have 2 data sets with similar enough schemas and one is using the z3 index and one is not.  The one that is not is also one that is using a reserved word, location, for one of its columns (not for the one indicated to be the id, dtg, or geometry field).  Could that reserved word in one of the columns be the problem?  What else can one look for to determine why the query planner is using z2 vs z3 index?  Or should we just drop the catalog and start over to see if the requests start using the z3 index.  The root cause may be in the query planner output and I am just overlooking it.




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