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Re: [geomesa-users] 3d pointclouds

Hi Tim, Kris,

We can definitely keep the conversation public. 

On the topic of indexing, I'd note a few  things:  First, many distributed multidimensional data storage and processing engines are using space-filling curves.  Because there is still some research and development to optimize strategies and implementations, we started the SFCurve project ( with the GeoTrellis team.  Currently, there are 2 and 3 dimensional implementations of a Z-order curve.  Cooking up a 4-dimensional Z-order curve would straightforward.  Alternatively,  one could use the Uzaygezen library (1) which implements arbitrary dimension compact Hilbert curves.

I'd note that one doesn't necessarily require an index for all the fields you might query against.  As a concrete example, querying a spatio-temporal index without a time bound requires a dramatic increase in the number of ranges scanned.  If there are common access patterns for LIDAR where one queries by geo-extent only, then a single 4d index would perform poorly. 

There are two main ways to address this issue: first, one could create multiple indices for the different query patterns.  For certain data sizes or query response constraints, this may make sense.  In fact, that's pretty typical for how GeoMesa handles vector data.  There are optimized tables which can address spatio-temporal, spatio-only, attribute, and record queries.  From chatting with pointcloud folks, it sounds like they have so much data that indexing it several times over is either prohibitive or otherwise undesirable. 

The second approach would be to be to craft an index which compromises between various query types.  This is where there's a little research to sort out; a few of us have worked out the basic details about composing space-filling curves.  That technology *should* be great for a case like this, but we need to find the time (and funding) to work out an implementation, run some experiments, write up the results, and advertise them...

Anyhow, I hope that helps give some idea of that state of things; it's going to be exciting to see the pointcloud side of FOSS4G software develop!




On 7/18/2016 7:01 PM, EXI-Schier, Timothy M wrote:

Hi Jim, Kris,


This is an area of interest to likely more people as well, so can I ask if your ongoing conversations could be in this forum please?


Does GeoMesa have an efficient 4D index that would suit this?








From: geomesa-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:geomesa-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Jim Hughes
Sent: Tuesday, 19 July 2016 6:17 AM
To: geomesa-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [geomesa-users] 3d pointclouds


Hi Kris,

It should be possible to use GeoMesa for pointcloud data.  The traditional way to get data into GeoMesa is via the GeoTools datastore API; if you use that, each point would end up being a SimpleFeature.  (Alternatively, you could store a bundle of clustered points together and do some fiddling in your application.)

As an alternative, one could use the newer GeoMesa native API to store collections of LIDAR points.

Either of these approaches would require a little elbow grease.  If you're interested, I'd be happy in discussing it further.



On 07/18/2016 03:03 PM, Kris Nackaerts @ NoCrosstalk wrote:

Hi all,


According to the documentation Geomesa focuses on a 3D index: X,Y,T. Is it possible to work with 3D pointcloud data from Lidars? Preferably 4D. I’m looking for an efficient storage and retrieval solution. To start with.





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